SNAP (Food Stamps) benefit payments of up to $292 to be issued in less than 10 days

According to Vibes.okdiario , The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) has confirmed that SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program) payments for December will be completed soon, with different states issuing payments on various dates throughout the month. Some states will finish processing payments by December 20, while others, like Florida and Texas, will continue issuing checks until December 28. A few states, such as Michigan and North Carolina, will finalize their payments on December 21, while Missouri and Puerto Rico will have a deadline of December 22.

States Finalizing SNAP Payments by December 20

New Mexico, Ohio, Tennessee, and Washington are set to complete their SNAP distributions by December 20, 2024. For eligible individuals, you could receive up to $292. Below are the payment schedules for some of these states:

New Mexico:

New Mexico’s payment dates are determined by the last two digits of the recipient’s Social Security Number (SSN). Here’s the breakdown:

  • December 10: SSN ending in 05, 25, 45, 65, 85
  • December 11: SSN ending in 16, 36, 56, 76, 96
  • December 12: SSN ending in 06, 26, 46, 66, 86
  • December 13: SSN ending in 17, 37, 57, 77, 97
  • December 14: SSN ending in 07, 27, 47, 67, 87
  • December 15: SSN ending in 18, 38, 58, 78, 98
  • December 16: SSN ending in 08, 28, 48, 68, 88
  • December 17: SSN ending in 19, 39, 59, 79, 99
  • December 18: SSN ending in 09, 29, 49, 69, 89
  • December 19: SSN ending in 10, 30, 50, 70, 90
  • December 20: SSN ending in 00, 20, 40, 60, 80


Ohio’s payment schedule is simpler, based on the last digit of the case number. Here’s when benefits will be delivered:

  • December 10: Case number ends in 4
  • December 12: Case number ends in 5
  • December 14: Case number ends in 6
  • December 16: Case number ends in 7
  • December 18: Case number ends in 8
  • December 20: Case number ends in 9

Also Read – Who will receive a $1,800 Social Security payment this December 2024

Tennessee & Washington:

In Tennessee, SNAP benefits are based on the last two digits of the recipient’s SSN, with the following schedule:

  • December 10: SSN ending in 45-49
  • December 11: SSN ending in 50-54
  • December 12: SSN ending in 55-59
  • December 13: SSN ending in 60-64
  • December 14: SSN ending in 65-69
  • December 15: SSN ending in 70-74
  • December 16: SSN ending in 75-79
  • December 17: SSN ending in 80-84
  • December 18: SSN ending in 85-89
  • December 19: SSN ending in 90-94
  • December 20: SSN ending in 95-99

In Washington, benefits are distributed from December 1 through December 20, though the USDA has not clarified the exact distribution method for this state.

Other States:

Some states, like Michigan, Mississippi, North Carolina, and Missouri, will finish issuing payments by December 21 and 22, 2024. However, other states, including Florida and Texas, will continue to process payments through the end of the month, with Florida wrapping up on December 28.

For those waiting on their SNAP benefits, it’s essential to check local schedules, as each state has a different method for distributing funds. Make sure to be aware of your state’s specific payment dates to avoid missing out on any crucial assistance.

Alton Walker

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